4 ways technology is changing the face of private client practice
By Craig Matthews, CEO of LEAP Estates
While traditionally perceived by many as slow and antiquated, private client practice is, in reality, an area of law that is required to move quickly, with an increasing number of practitioners being asked to serve a broadening section of society and their evolving needs. Society and the world we live in are changing at a rapid pace, and so must the technology practitioners use and the service they deliver, in order to stay relevant.

Legal Technology is revolutionising the delivery of estate planning, probate, lifetime planning and will preparation services by:
Centralising digital matter files in the cloud
Providing a single, secure, and searchable electronic matter is central to streamlining private client practice. It offers one fully searchable digital file containing all data, documents, and emails related to that matter, easily accessible within the cloud. Granting practitioners the ability to access up-to-date matter information and documentation from any location streamlines client service, enhances collaboration, and minimises duplication of work, errors, or inaccuracies
An additional benefit of having a single digital matter file with up-to-date client and matter information is the ability to generate and complete documents with ease, by merging the captured details into letter templates and court and government forms quickly and consistently.
Automating complex tasks
Leading legal software providers are offering intuitive technology that simplifies the day-to-day life of a private client practitioner. They are developing innovative productivity tools to complete time-consuming tasks, such as estate account and inheritance tax automation. Technology streamlines the collection of estate data and the generation of IHT forms, applying up-to-date legal rates and calculations in line with updates to legislation and cost changes.
Enabling wills and LPAs to be drafted in minutes
Critical to the profession in terms of technology is highly automated specialist will writing software. Such software includes up-to-date clauses maintained by experts, enabling practitioners to create both simple and complex wills, as well as lasting powers of attorney, with ease. The fast and accurate production of wills and LPAs is pivotal to a successful private client practice, improving client service and saving valuable practitioner time.
Allowing powerful system integrations
We all know that practice management software is pivotal to the success of a private client practice, but how the software integrates with other technology to add value to private client practitioners is something to consider. Tools to further streamline processes might include verification of identity and funds, document collaboration, time recording, online payment and eSignatures.
As practitioners face growing and diverse clientele with ever-changing needs, adaptation is crucial. This dynamic shifts in society necessitates innovative technology in order to remain relevant, revolutionising estate planning, probate, lifetime planning, and will preparation services.
For more information, please visit leapestates.co.uk or follow LEAP Estates on LinkedIn.
About LEAP Estates
LEAP Estates occupies a unique position in the legal software market, providing specialist software for probate solicitors and estate planners.
With powerful features and functionality, the innovative solution provides everything you need to manage your client’s wills, LPAs and estates efficiently, including case management, accounting, document assembly and management, will building and legal publishing assets in one integrated cloud solution.
For more information, please visit www.leapestates.co.uk or follow LEAP Estates on LinkedIn.