“Ask The LSSA” Your questions on legal technology answered

Everything you always wanted to know about Legal Technology (but were afraid to ask).
The Legal Software Suppliers Association (LSSA) is the UK’s industry body for legal systems developers and vendors. It is a not-for-profit trade organisation set up to promote legal technology. In existence for over twenty years, the LSSA membership includes some of the most knowledgeable people in the legal technology industry.
The Association wants to pass on its knowledge to the industry and is launching the “Ask The LSSA” initiative, opening the Association’s knowledge base for anyone in the legal profession to ask any question about legal technology.
Craig Matthews, LSSA Chair comments: “The LSSA has the largest collection and variety of legal technology experts in the UK. Our people are passionate about what they do and are keen to share their knowledge. Challenge us to answer your legal technology questions. We may well already know the answer, and if we don’t we can soon find it out!“
The LSSA has companies that specialise in all areas of legal technology, including case management for all sectors of law, legal accounting and cashiering, conveyancing, time recording, and billing. The Association has 23 member companies, ranging from companies established over thirty years ago to digital start-ups. Somewhere in the membership, there is someone who will know the answer to pretty much any question about legal technology.
Please contact the LSSA with any legal technology question and the Association will be delighted to answer. Questions can be on any area of legal technology, for example, case management, data security, data integrity, software compliance, conveyancing, cloud computing, remote working, and legal accounts.
Contact: Ask@lssa.co.uk Or visit the webpage.